Mautic 4.2.2 erros

Bom dia, estou com esse problema hoje ao abrir os logs aparecerem vários, o que pode ser? Obrigado

[2022-04-28 13:13:21] mautic.NOTICE: PHP Notice - Trying to access array offset on value of type bool - in file /var/www/html/app/bundles/PageBundle/Entity/HitRepository.php - at line 276 {“options”:{“leadId”:“54865”,“0”:“",“second_to_last”:“124419”},“sq”:"[object] (Doctrine\DBAL\Query\QueryBuilder: SELECT h.date_hit latest_hit FROM page_hits h WHERE (h.lead_id = 54865) AND ( <> 124419))”,“result”:false} []
[2022-04-28 13:15:49] mautic.NOTICE: PHP Notice - Trying to access array offset on value of type bool - in file /var/www/html/app/bundles/PageBundle/Entity/HitRepository.php - at line 276 {“options”:{“leadId”:“54866”,“0”:“",“second_to_last”:“124421”},“sq”:"[object] (Doctrine\DBAL\Query\QueryBuilder: SELECT h.date_hit latest_hit FROM page_hits h WHERE (h.lead_id = 54866) AND ( <> 124421))”,“result”:false} []
[2022-04-28 13:21:09] mautic.NOTICE: PHP Notice - Trying to access array offset on value of type bool - in file /var/www/html/app/bundles/PageBundle/Entity/HitRepository.php - at line 276 {“options”:{“leadId”:“54867”,“0”:“",“second_to_last”:“124426”},“sq”:"[object] (Doctrine\DBAL\Query\QueryBuilder: SELECT h.date_hit latest_hit FROM page_hits h WHERE (h.lead_id = 54867) AND ( <> 124426))”,“result”:false} []
[2022-04-28 13:30:49] mautic.NOTICE: PHP Notice - Trying to access array offset on value of type bool - in file /var/www/html/app/bundles/PageBundle/Entity/HitRepository.php - at line 276 {“options”:{“leadId”:“54869”,“0”:“",“second_to_last”:“124447”},“sq”:"[object] (Doctrine\DBAL\Query\QueryBuilder: SELECT h.date_hit latest_hit FROM page_hits h WHERE (h.lead_id = 54869) AND ( <> 124447))”,“result”:false} []
[2022-04-28 13:34:24] mautic.NOTICE: PHP Notice - Trying to access array offset on value of type bool - in file /var/www/html/app/bundles/PageBundle/Entity/HitRepository.php - at line 276 {“options”:{“leadId”:“54870”,“0”:“",“second_to_last”:“124448”},“sq”:"[object] (Doctrine\DBAL\Query\QueryBuilder: SELECT h.date_hit latest_hit FROM page_hits h WHERE (h.lead_id = 54870) AND ( <> 124448))”,“result”:false} []

Ta com cara de erro de scema. Roda o mtc-db-update pra ele atualizar o scema do banco.

1 curtida

Acabei de executar e ele retonou isso:

Esse select ai

SELECT h.date_hit latest_hit FROM page_hits h WHERE (h.lead_id = 54865) AND ( <> 124419))”,“result”:false} 

é do recurso que consulta a ultima visita a uma URL. Tem algum filtro de segmento assim? Da uma conferida nele.

1 curtida

legal, vou analisar aqui, obrigado